Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For the first time - Delphi

I'm starting with listing of my primary knowledge resources for Delphi programing.

First of all I'm trying to find the way to do something new in Delphi Help, it's really good source written by Borland Developers and I advice everyone to read it after understanding Delphi syntax.

Someone think about Delphi as history anachronism, but I don't think so. It can be very pretty for every programmer. No meter what programing language is used to get the result.

For the deeper knowledges I recommend to read really good Hallvard's Blog.
Every question you have can be asked by Google for 90%, other not well formated questions can be put into google groups such as
Russian Delphi sources:
Design Patterns in Delphi:
I've planed the article about "Delphi Programming style".

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